Centric Software®, the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) market leader and FoodChain ID, the leading food safety and regulatory service provider are pleased to announce their partnership to bring enhanced regulatory compliance capabilities to product development. Centric Software provides the most innovative enterprise solutions to plan, design, develop, source, price and sell food & beverage, cosmetics and consumer products to achieve strategic and operational digital transformation goals.
FoodChain ID is trusted by over 30,000 companies across the global supply chain, with technology-enabled solutions and expertise to keep the food and cosmetics supply chain safe and transparent.
The highly controlled industries of Food and Cosmetics require access to trustworthy regulatory information so that the risk of formulation missteps are reduced, especially at the development stage. This saves much time and effort down the line, and notably lessens the chance of dreaded recalls.
Not all PLM platforms have strong formulation capabilities and those that do often rely on manual look-ups or databases pieced together by in-house regulatory compliance teams. The pairing of FoodChain ID’s world-class regulatory libraries and databases driven by the agility of Centric PLM’s formulation, packaging, quality, nutrition, labeling and artwork capabilities gives the food and cosmetics industries the best of both worlds, resulting in a complete formulation and regulatory compliance solution.
Clinton Chadwick, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships at FoodChain ID, explains how the association drives accuracy and speed into product development. “What makes this partnership with Centric Software so exciting is the ability to accelerate product innovation with Centric PLM by reducing time-consuming iterations between product development and regulatory compliance teams.” Chadwick adds, “With FoodChain ID’s data sources pulling from over 220 countries, the data quality of our compliance engine is second-to-none.”
Ron Watson, Executive Vice President of Product at Centric Software discusses how much more efficient it is to formulate with FoodChain ID. “Product developers working in Centric PLM can see the immediate impact of ingredient changes against current global regulatory compliance regulations as they are formulating.” For example, when looking at market expansion, the food or cosmetics scientist can evaluate a formula or ingredient against a regulatory threshold level in the target country and then adjust the formula at the development stage if necessary, where ingredient changes will have little negative impact.
Chris Groves, CEO of Centric Software says, “We are overjoyed about our alliance with FoodChain ID. It marries Centric’s technological expertise in food & beverage, cosmetics, beauty and other formulated goods with FoodChain ID’s extensive global databases and stellar reputation in food safety and regulatory compliance. This gives the users of both solutions confidence in formulation and the means to work seamlessly in one platform, driving even more efficiency into product development.”
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